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How to build your business case and secure future growth.


LAST UPDATED: March 6, 2025

Key Takeaways

  • Creative leaders are struggling to get what they need as organizations prioritize efficiency and cost savings.
  • Forge unexpected alliances. Collaborate with Finance, Audit, Legal and IT to gain valuable insights and leverage their influence.
  • Offer impactful choices. Present multiple solutions with clear cost-benefit analyses to empower stakeholders and position your team as strategic partners.
  • Visualize success and failure. Use “what if” scenarios to demonstrate the positive and negative consequences of your proposals.

Listen: How to build your business case and secure future growth.

More work, fewer resources, and tighter deadlines. Sound familiar? If getting what your team needs felt challenging before, it may seem impossible in today’s volatile business environment where “efficiency” is the word of the day, every day.

That’s why leaders in our InsideOut community gathered to explore ways to craft effective business cases that improve their chances of success. This group loves to crowdsource ideas, and when we bring together smart senior creative operations leaders from high-profile brands who are determined to find solutions, magic happens.

After eight hours of learning across five jam-packed roundtable discussions, we came away with some innovative tips on initiating and leading conversations to get what you want.

The many shades of “growth”

In a time of rampant staff and budget reductions, it can be challenging to consider what “growth” might look like for your team. Here are a few examples from our roundtable discussion:

  • Increasing headcount. 
  • Bringing in external resources. 
  • Securing new technology to get work done.
  • Gaining access to new projects that elevate your team's work. 

Yes, even headcount made the list. That said, leaders we spoke with are faced with many roadblocks in getting buy-in from key decision-makers when every spend is scrutinized, and change fatigue reigns. But where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Based on input from creative leaders in our InsideOut sessions, we’ve devised a recipe for getting what you want, boiled down into three main ingredients:

  • Seek unusual partnerships. The partners you need to boost your business case may require some digging outside your comfort zone.
  • Provide options with impact. Give the people choices and enough information to make the best decision to show off your strategic skills.
  • Discover the power of “what if … ?” Bring partners in to co-create solutions by sharing stories of the success that your ideas will bring—or the crises they will avoid. 

By looking outside your circle of close relationships, defining business-driven options for getting where you want to go, and creating visualizations to show possibilities, you’re more likely to earn a “yes” from stakeholders. We’ll go into more detail on each of these steps below.

Tap into unexpected partnerships to fuel your business case 

Let's talk about those unusual partnerships. Out of habit or comfort, we go to our known partners first when approaching challenges and requesting aid. However, partners in other parts of the organization are often the ones with the information and influence needed to find success.

Here’s an example: You have a growth plan that requires some hard numbers for budgeting during a time when every department is in need of funds. Though not your usual collaborators, the Finance Team has the best data and the broadest perspective to support your case. Yes, you may shudder at the thought. Finance? But involve them early, and they become unexpected advocates. They can ask the tough questions—and NOT in front of your boss or stakeholders—to ensure your growth plan holds water, then advocate for your request in rooms where you lack access. 

Another unusual partnership? The Audit Team. In a recent InsideOut session, one creative operations leader identified an issue with rights management. They needed access to critical rights management technology to ensure compliance but were getting pushback on the spend. So, they approached the Audit Team and said, “Help us understand how rights management works and what our requirements are.” The outcome? The Audit Team escalated the issue to upper management, making the case for the technology themselves. What a win!

The bottom line? Think outside your circle of typical partners. Look for those around the organization who have access to the data, technology, and insights you need and build those relationships upfront—not just when you need something. You can gain valuable information and support from Finance, Audit, Legal, and IT Teams (find others in our LinkedIn post). And remember, these folks can advocate for you in rooms you're not in, escalating your requests and providing leverage to help achieve your goals, the ultimate business case accelerator.

Provide multiple options that meet your end goal

Now, let's move on to providing options with impact. Leadership partners want to feel like they are making the decision, no matter what. But if you're only providing them with one solution, their decision could be a “no, thanks,” even if it’s the best one with the most solid data. Then you’re back to square one.

Instead of only providing what you feel is best, when you say, “Here are two proposed solutions, and here’s the cost and potential impact of each,” stakeholders see you differently and feel there’s a decision for them to make. You become the consultant who has thought through the problem, its implications for the organization, and overall business justification—while asking for their expertise to find the best choice.

You may already be providing options, but if you’re not demonstrating a clear path to business outcomes, it’s a lot easier for stakeholders to simply say no—without explanation—especially when funds are tight and expectations high. To find greater success, creative leaders must connect the dots between their requests, their partners’ goals, and broader business impact.

Visualize scenarios through the power of “what if” 

Speaking of connecting dots, let's talk about the power of asking, “What if … ?” In our recent roundtable, one passionate leader pointed to the power of sharing a compelling story with your stakeholders that draws them in and encourages collaboration. 

Another term for this is “what-if” analysis. By helping the leader think in terms of “what if,” you’re envisioning the possible impact of making certain decisions. And, by evoking emotions through specific examples, you get their attention and can draw them in to consider new possibilities and work with you to make the best choice. Even better, we uncovered two fabulous ways to gain the attention of your stakeholders.

Paint a picture of the best-case scenario

Here’s an example. You weave a story with your stakeholders, saying, “Picture this: What if you could get [these assets you need] one week earlier? Imagine if [this tool I’m advocating for] could also get the data you need for your monthly executive readouts. Would you want that?” 

Now they're listening. The stakeholder thinks, “I get what I need faster? I get the data that will make me look good to the Executive Team? Where do I sign?!” Tapping into those needs and painting a picture of your partner’s success in the context of what you're asking for helps them choose yes—or at least explore other options instead of shutting down your request. 

Tell a story of avoiding the biggest risks

Now, here’s the other side of the coin. If you don’t have an impressive win to point out, it’s time to paint the frightening picture of how what you’re proposing can avoid disaster. Another brilliant operations leader in a financial services firm needed new technology to safeguard specific customer data. But getting the funding for that wasn’t working.

So they said, “What if our company is the next headline for a data breach, like the recent highly publicized breach of another huge brand?” Evoking an image of disaster is another way to bring stakeholders in and make the risks feel real. It’s not quite scare tactics, but walking partners through an undesirable outcome brings the weight of the decision to life—and makes it less about what you want than what the business needs.

Growth is possible, even in challenging times

Building a business case for your growth objectives can feel overwhelming, but don’t give up. 

Seek unusual partnerships. People around your organization have the data you need and can help advocate for your goals. Think creatively and build new relationships that can provide pivotal support and influence. 

Provide multiple options so your partners feel they have a choice, and most importantly, show the cost and impact of each. By allowing your stakeholders to say no to something while saying yes to something else, you can get what you want more often. 

Start conversations with “what if.” By painting a picture of success or failure, you can draw your stakeholders in to collaborate and discover solutions that yield growth for your team—and theirs. 

So, when looking ahead to another busy year, take heart. Building your case for success will solidify interdepartmental relationships and change how leaders see you (and respect you!) in the broader context of the company. 

Why do we care? Our mission is to connect leaders to find solutions. If you're a senior design, experience, or creative operations leader of an in-house team at a high-profile brand and want to connect with others who share your unique challenges, let's talk. Our InsideOut community hosts small format roundtables to support the learning and growth of our members, and we’re honored to facilitate those discussions.