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Aquent Gymnasium

Endurance training for your career.

There’s a clear connection between continuous learning and career advancement. That’s where Aquent Gymnasium comes in—an online training platform offering courses for designers, developers, and marketers. Focusing on the latest tools and in-demand skills, we develop content based on our clients’ needs. Enroll for free anytime, anywhere.

Course curriculum

Full courses

Taught by industry trailblazers, courses focus on the most current skills and technologies. Get three to six hours of video instruction, optional assignments, a final exam, and a certificate when you pass.

Gym shorts

Like full courses, they’re taught by experts and focus on current in-demand skills—only the video instruction is condensed to about an hour. Pass your final exam and earn a badge.

Take 5

These video tutorials build new skills in just five minutes. Topics range from web design to career development. Work fast with prototyping tools such as Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD, along with HTML and CSS.