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How to unplug and make the most of your time off this year

Five tips to help you disconnect and stress less, knowing that your workplace can handle a few days without you.

“Balancing your work and home life is essential for personal wellness and keeps you from burning out.”

Jessica Gross Director of Marketing, Aquent

In our fast-paced, interconnected world where work can follow you everywhere, it can be hard to unplug and relax. In a recent article for HR Daily Advisor, Director of Marketing at Aquent, Jessica Gross, offered five insightful tips on how to make the most of your time off this year. The first is to work with your team to define what are and aren't emergencies. That way, if an unexpected crisis occurs while you are out, everyone is clear on whether or not the situation can be handled by someone else, or if it can wait until you return to be resolved. Next, prepare for your time off by organizing your inbox and creating clear out-of-office messages. The third tip involves staying true to the boundaries you set before leaving. Violating your own boundaries creates a mixed -message that may end up confusing your team members and frustrating you. The fourth tip is to give yourself some time to ramp back up when you return. Reconnecting with team members can help you get on the same page so you're ready to tackle your tasks with a renewed energy after a restful break. Lastly, it's important to recognize how time off can benefit you and your team. Especially if you are in a leadership position, being away gives others on your team a chance to rise to the occasion, and is an opportunity to cultivate more trust among your team.

This article originally appeared on HR Daily Advisor.

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